Testimonial: Richard Bukenya

“I want to be able to look after our children to make sure they live a happy, healthy life. I also want to be healthy by getting treatment appropriately.”
“Before the Health Access Connect outreach clinics came to us, we had to travel to a clinic in SIAAP Bugoma — which is too far. And it could be so difficult. The day you would go you couldn’t work at all because you leave at 7 AM and come back late in the evening. If both parents go, their children remain alone at home. At that clinic no one could talk to health workers because they had many clients.
I lost my brother. He got sick, and we failed to access the health center because it was far. By the time we managed to go it was too late. He died on the way.
When we first learned health workers were coming here, we never believed it. We waited to see if they would come. That morning we were asked to help prepare the place where the health workers would meet with us and so we prepared it. When they came it was like a dream — but it came true.
Our health expenses decreased…now we can even take care of our children.”
– Richard Bukenya, Farmer
Buziga, Uganda