You can directly make a difference in the lives of remote communities and transform how the world provides life-saving medical care to the most marginalized communities.
HAC brings frontline health workers to serve their patients in remote villages. Under COVID-19 people in remote communities need access to immunizations, maternal and child health services, anti-retroviral treatment, and other life-saving primary healthcare services. We make that possible.
Become an HAC Transformer with a monthly gift that will help us reach remote communities during these difficult times.
We ❤️ Frontline Health Workers
You can directly make a difference in the lives of remote communities and transform how the world provides life-saving medical care to the most marginalized communities.
HAC brings frontline health workers to serve their patients in remote villages. Under COVID-19 people in remote communities need access to immunizations, maternal and child health services, anti-retroviral treatment, and other life-saving primary healthcare services. We make that possible.
Become an HAC Transformer with a monthly gift that will help us reach remote communities during these difficult times.